Blog - Pointe Of Sail Realty
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by Pointe Of Sail Realty
One excellent way to improve your financial profile is to buy a home of your own. But we won’t lie: It’s a long and potentially incredibly stressful process, especially when it comes to the dollars and cents of securing a mortgage loan.
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Is now the best time to sell your home? That’s an intensely personal question that depends on a number of factors - many of them beyond your control.
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Real estate investing is gaining popularity, and if you’ve been giving it some thought, this guide will give you an overview. The goal of any real estate investor is typically to make money. This means purchasing an investment property at a good price so you can rent it…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
When you’re selling a luxury property, the usual rules about how to market a home tend to go out the window.When you’re selling a luxury property, the usual rules about how to market a home tend to go out the window.When you’re selling a luxury property, the usual…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Buying a home anywhere feels like a huge step, but getting settled in the suburbs can seem especially momentous for any household. After all, traditionally, suburbs were for establishing a place in the community and raising a family, where you can put down roots and grow a…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Not too long ago in our country's history, talking about making your house "greener" might get you labeled a hippie tree-hugger. But times change, and as gas, electricity, and water prices creep up, more and more homeowners are seeing the (strong) advantages that come with…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Buying a house - whether it’s your first or fifth - can be a bumpy process. Between the financing, the availability (or scarcity) of homes on the market in your price range that meet your needs, the offer process, the appraisal and the inspection, there’s a lot that can…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Between micro-apartments, tiny homes, and even #vanlife, the real estate industry is taking the saying “less is more” to previously unknown levels. And while we can all get behind the idea of streamlining your life and shedding possessions that no longer meet your needs.
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
As a homeowner, it's perfectly natural to wonder how much your house is currently worth (and, not so incidentally, how much money you might make today if you were to sell it). Even though the internet has brought information about home values directly to our fingertips, not…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Just like in any other profession, there are good real estate agents ... and there are, unfortunately, subpar real estate agents, too. But how do you know if you've got a dreamboat or a dud handling your real estate transaction?Just like in any other profession, there are…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
Moving is stressful all on its own, but when you add in the complications that kids or pets (or both) can bring to the mix, it can feel downright impossible. Depending on the age of your children and whether your fur baby is a cat or a dog, some moves can be easier than…
by Pointe Of Sail Realty
When you're selling your house, it can be tempting to hope that buyers will see past the surface to the beautiful bone structure of your abode and realize what a lovely life they could make in it. When you're selling your house, it can be tempting to hope that buyers will…
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